Introducing ChatBees: Serverless RAG as a Service

3 min readApr 3, 2024


We’re excited to announce the official launch of ChatBees, a groundbreaking serverless platform that is set to revolutionize the way RAG applications are developed and deployed for enterprise.

The basic RAG tends to work well for simple questions over a simple and small set of documents. However, scaling up RAG for broader question sets and larger dynamic data volumes presents significant challenges in production. The challenges include:

  1. Answer Quality: basic semantic retrieval methods become less effective, potentially failing to retrieve the most pertinent contexts within the top five results. Meanwhile, increasing the number of relevant contexts introduces more noise, leading to potential challenges for the Language Model, which may struggle to generate accurate responses.
  2. Tuning: A RAG service presents a complex tuning challenge due to the array of parameters involved, including decisions on chunking strategies and retrieval methods, among others.
  3. LLMOps: Deploying, monitoring, and seamlessly scaling a RAG service present significant challenges. Additionally, ensuring cost-effectiveness and security are essential aspects that require careful consideration.

ChatBees understands the complexities and challenges associated with integrating LLM search and chat functionalities into production environments. It’s been our mission to simplify this process, making it more accessible and efficient for developers and businesses alike.

A New Era of Efficiency and Excellence

Through dedicated efforts and invaluable feedback from our early adopters, ChatBees has evolved into a service of unparalleled quality. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our recent achievement: a top ranking on the Tonic Validate Test, where ChatBees scored 4.6, surpassing the 3.4 score of OpenAI Assistants. This milestone not only marks a significant advancement in our technology but also reinforces our dedication to providing the best possible service to our users.

Security is always our top priority. Check out how we secure your data on AWS.

Serverless Architecture: Scalability Meets Simplicity

One of the core features that set ChatBees apart is our serverless architecture. In today’s digital landscape, scalability and cost-efficiency are paramount. ChatBees addresses these needs by offering competitive pricing without compromising on performance. ChatBees APIs are designed for easy integration, allowing you to focus on creating the best LLM app for your knowledge base. Whether you’re starting small or scaling up, ChatBees ensures a smooth and seamless experience every step of the way.

Seamless Data Integration at Your Fingertips

In our digital age, data is king. Recognizing this, ChatBees now offers simple APIs for ingesting data from popular sources like Google Drive, Notion, and Confluence. Through the ChatBees interface, users can effortlessly authenticate and connect to their preferred data source. This enables the seamless import of data into specific collections or the distribution of different data across multiple collections, further enhancing the versatility and utility of our platform.

Join Us on This Exciting Journey

The launch of ChatBees marks the beginning of a new chapter in the development of LLM applications. Our serverless platform is not just about simplifying the deployment process; it’s about empowering creators and businesses to innovate and succeed in the ever-evolving digital landscape. We’re here to support you every step of the way, from integration to scaling, ensuring that your journey with ChatBees is nothing short of remarkable.

We invite you to start your journey with ChatBees today and explore the limitless possibilities that our serverless LLM platform has to offer.

